.LINK domain registration, an opportunity to define your online identity

The domain extension is the element that follows the name of each individual domain. It is used to identify a specific type of activity or in some cases even specific geographical areas. Defined, in technical jargon, as a top-level domain, it is a significant element, capable of defining the identity of a web project. Thanks to the right extension, it is possible to attract a certain type of public, establish a relationship with it and stand out in the sea of competition. The .LINK domain extension is perfect, for example, for those who want to highlight their “being online”.

The opportunity of the .LINK domain

In our “journey” to discover the new gTLDs, we have often focused on an important concept: a new domain extension helps to attract a specific target. Having said that, it is difficult to imagine a more suitable solution than the .LINK extension for those who wish to create a website that deals with topics close to the world of computing, technology and the internet.

The .LINK domain extension can be successfully used not only by private users but also for various types of corporate websites. The important thing is that the activity promoted is linked to the internet world.

Who can use the .LINK extension?

The .LINK extension is an opportunity for anyone who wants to focus significantly on “being on the web“. In fact, on the web it is important to have an easily recognizable name that, as far as possible, can recall the reference sector.

One of the most used terms in the IT field is undoubtedly links, the link inserted in the contents (to external resources), very important for others in the field of SEO.

All those who work on the web and want to underline this information technology reality have an incredible opportunity in the .LINK domain.

Why opt for the new gTLDs?

Being able to get into users’ minds is a task for large marketers, staying with them is like brilliant communicators. To win the interest and the esteem of the public, it is necessary to implement that series of activities that reduce the distance between the company and the public.

What to do to create this privileged relationship? Work well, no doubt. But before this we must build an online identity that does not risk disappearing inside the pile.

Note: get noticed! The new gTLDs are the right weapon to give an online business a different, new, original air.

In addition to the IT sector, so well represented by extensions such as .LINK or .ONLINE, there are appropriate solutions for every type of activity. Whether it is e-commerce, the financial sector, industrial, catering, art or the vast world of small professionals, there are many suitable extensions to create web domains of great impact.

Originality and top performance

Is it really possible that a professional wishing to grow online does not have a website with adequate resources? Absolutely not. In fact, it is important to combine a fast and reliable hosting service with your internet domain (which can be .LINK or another of the over 700 new extensions available).

A fast and performing website will be much more appreciated by users, initially attracted by a name made more particular by the .LINK extension. All that remains is to identify the ideal plan for the type of activity it intends to manage.

To conclude

If you have decided to register a domain with the .LINK extension it means that you have the perception that the web is changing and that, to achieve the goals, you need to do something more.

Play ahead and beat the competition by introducing yourself to the public with an innovative look thanks to the many new domains available.

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