Best free note taking app

Having a smartphone has brought us many benefits but without a doubt, one of the biggest advantages is that it allows us to take notes at any time and place, so we no longer need to take paper and pen with us to complete the shopping list, write down the title of a book or write down that great idea that has just occurred to us to write our next article. Today we share the best free note taking app.

We always carry the smartphone with us so. As long as the battery is left, we will have the ability to take notes. But of course, for this, in addition to the terminal. We will need an appropriate application that allows us to write down quickly and easily find everything we need. In the Play Store, there is a wide variety of apps specially designed for it so. If you have not opted for any or are thinking about changing. Then we will see some of the best applications to take notes on Android.

The best free note taking app

Google Keep

Without a doubt, one of the most popular applications for taking notes on Android is Google Keep. With a very colorful Material Design style interface, it shows us the notes as if they were cards. So it is also easy to move between them and select them.

In Google Keep you can create notes from to-do lists, voice notes that Google Keep will transcribe for you, set reminders, mark with tags to make it easier to find what you want, share notes with other people or share with family and much plus. It also offers support for Android Wear and integration with Google Drive. And if a note is very important, you can anchor it at the top to keep it well insight. Keep Reading best android lock screen


Microsoft’s proposal to take notes is also very complete, especially after its recent update. Like Google Keep regarding Google Drive, One Note integrates with One Drive and offers a wide range of functions: cross-platform compatibility and synchronization, Android Wear support, ability to share notes with other users, set up task lists, add audio notes, photos, links, videos … In OneNote, all your notes are organized in Notebooks, Sections, Sheets, and Labels.

In fact, Microsoft’s OneNote is so powerful and has so many features that it is not recommended for those who simply want to have an app where they can write down their day-to-day things.


The application of the elephant has always been one of the applications to take more powerful notes that exist, especially for the professional field. It is a service full of features: various types of notes, collaboration, labeling, organizational functions and a powerful search engine capable of searching for text even in photographs. In addition, it is cross-platform however, its free option limits the use to only two devices because you must be willing to pay a subscription if you want to take full advantage of it.

Material Notes

Material Notes is an application that offers design and layout very similar to Google Keep with notes of different colors in the form of cards, however, unlike Google’s proposal, it does not offer much more than that, a widget, the option to protect with a PIN or the ability to export and import notes. If what you are looking for is the simplicity of having an app for simply for simple and quick annotations,  Material Notes can be a good option.

Omni Notes

Omni Notes is another application to take notes very simple but complete and with a Material Design interface. Your notes are organized vertically and have the ability to combine notes, sort, and search. As well as widgets and a sketch-note mode with which you can draw your sketches. You can also share notes, attach images, audio notes, and other files, assign categories and labels for a better organization, create task lists, create shortcuts to notes on the home screen, export/import notes and offers integration with Google Now.

Omni Notes is a very powerful option with many functions without being as complete as OneNote is. So we can place it in an intermediate stage.

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